Angelo Furno (PI), researcher of the LICIT laboratory of ENTPE-IFSTTAR since October 2016. A. Furno holds a Ph.D. in Information Engineering from University of Sannio, Italy, since July 2014. He is currently assistant professor at the Department of Transport of ENTPE, where he is in charge of two courses on Intelligent Transportation Systems and one course on Data Science & Machine Learning. A. Furno has developed a large expertise on large-scale distributed algorithms and architectures, multi-source data mining, urban mobility and complex networks. He is currently in charge of the LICIT research activities on big data and resilience engineering. In PROMENADE, the PI aims at building a multi-disciplinary research team gathering forces from the fields of computer and data science, transport engineering, telecommunications, networking, economics and social sciences.


The PROMENADE team includes three PhD students working on the different WPs of the project:

<add photo> Loïc BONNETAIN (PhD Student) <add biblio and link to website if any>.
<add photo> Cecile DANIEL (PhD Student) <add biblio and link to website if any>.
<add photo> Elise HENRY (PhD Student) <add biblio and link to website if any>.


The PROMENADE team is also a network of different researchers, from international academic/industrial research laboratories, directly involved in the WPs of the project and formed by:

<add photo> Nour-Eddin EL FAOUZI, HDR, director of the LICIT lab of IFSTTAR/ENTPE (i.e., the same as the PI) and co-director of the COSYS (Composants et Systèmes) department of IFSTTAR. He is expert in the field of traffic engineering, applied mathematics/statistics, intelligent transport systems, data fusion. He will contribute to all work packages, and he will be supervisor (PhD director) of the three PhD theses.
<add photo> Eugenio ZIMEO, Associate Professor at the Distributed Systems Lab of University of Sannio. He is expert in the field of big data processing and distributed software systems and architectures. He will contribute to WP0, WP1 and WP4. He will co-supervise the PhD student involved in WP1 and the postdoctoral student involved in WP4. He was director of the PI’s PhD thesis (the PI defended his thesis in July 2014).
<add photo> Marco FIORE, HDR, Researcher at the Italian National Research Center (CNR-IEIIT). He is expert in V2V/V2I infrastructures, traffic and mobile phone data analysis. He will contribute to WP0 and WP2, and co-supervise the PhD student associated to WP2. He was advisor of the PI during his postdoc fellowship at INRIA, from 2014 to 2016, in the context of the ANR ABCD project.
<add photo> Razvan STANICA, Maître de conferences at the CITI-Lab of INSA-Lyon and INRIA researcher. He is expert in the field of wireless networks and mobile phone data analysis. He will contribute to WP0 and WP2, and co-tutor the PhD student associated to WP2. He was co-advisor of the PI during his postdoc fellowship at INRIA, from 2014 to 2016, in the context of the ANR ABCD project.
<add photo> Zbigniew SMOREDA, Sociologist and Researcher at the SENSE Lab of Orange. He is expert in the field of sociology of communications and human mobility. He will contribute to WP0 and WP2, and co-tutor the PhD student involved in WP2. He will provide technical resources to team members’ during their stays at Orange in Paris to process and collect the mobile phone data. He has previously worked with the PI, in the context of the ANR ABCD project.
<add photo> Sybil DERRIBLE, Associate Professor at the Complex and Sustainable Urban Networks (CSUN) Lab of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He is expert in the modelling of urban infrastructures via complex networks. He will contribute to WP0, WP1, WP3 and co-supervise the PhD students associated to WP1 and WP3. The PI and Pr. Derrible have recently met and started collaborating on resilience engineering via multi-layer networks./td>